Duration 21:45


124 388 watched
5 K
Published 13 Jun 2017

Get ready with me! 聊聊畢業規劃🎓 ►訂閱今天穿什麼Youtube:https://goo.gl/S4rwdy ►夏天的5種穿搭顏色推薦:/watch/AzwNGdatEXHtN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ►依序出現的產品: #Kiehls 金盞花化妝水 #Naturie 保濕乳液 #雅詩蘭黛 氣墊粉餅 #NYX 六色遮瑕盤 #EtudeHouse 眉筆 #NYX 眼影打底膏 #Colourpop #wake up call #Colourpop #Get Out #Colourpop #Save it for later #Colourpop #Dream Boat #Colourpop #Popular Demand #Colourpop #Pep Talk #Solone 咖啡色眼線膠筆 #KATE 睫毛膏打底 #KissMe 睫毛膏 #Maybelline 眼線液 #Rimmel Stay Matte蜜粉餅 #NYX DUO打亮 #02 #Canmake 血色感腮紅 #PW38 #theBalm 修容 #DHC 護唇膏 #MAC prep+prime #雅詩蘭黛 精油唇膏 #430 #NYX sculpt & Highlight ►激發我心的句子們: "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” - Steve Jobs "To get something you never have, you have to do something you never did." - Thomas Jefferson -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ►MEG Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maygobla/ ►ANDY Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mjh010101/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ►繼續觀看更多影片: ➪ 四五月開架新品&戰利品老實說 /watch/A3D4ZUkd1Ycd4 ➪好飽!Meg不斷吃吃吃的台中彰化之旅 /watch/gK-sjnYr0pLrs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ►更多Meg Lu: ➪ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/maygobla ➪ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/maygobla/ ➪ Bilibili 站:https://space.bilibili.com/54906711 ➪ 合作邀約:meglu.nightshift@gmail.com *本網站影音創作內容皆為「Meg Lu」頻道所有,若有轉載、再製、轉錄等非授權行為,頻道將會採取檢舉、訴訟等途徑!


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