Duration 5:3

Trying ITZY`s DIET (The BEST diet so far)

449 633 watched
16 K
Published 13 Mar 2020

Hey, hey hey!! I´m trying again a new kpop diet! I found this diet through one interview, some photos and another youtube channel. I think this diet was really good, so I really recommend it. Allkworld: https://allkworld.com/


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Comments - 590
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    @akibimi_4 years ago Take care of your health honey . But at least itzy's diet is healthier than some of the others kpop diet 5968
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    @user-gq2yf8zl3t4 years ago Yuna said in her recent solo VLIVE that when she goes on diets she eats breakfast, lunch, dinner but stop eating at 6pm and exercises a loooot 2544
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    @luvs4sh4 years ago quarantine has me eating 8 meals a day lmao i need to fix my eating plan 2107
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    @prikipriki10284 years ago Don’t worry y’all, it’s not like they eat like this for their whole life, only for promotions, maybe like max two weeks? Actually the diet is decent and not that dangerous. Plus, all of the itzy members are healthy looking (healthy skinny) esp ryujin ^ ^ ... 2731
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    @yejisuschrist48934 years ago This is actually a pretty good diet, the salad has cheese which is pretty calorically high and there's carbs and protein y'all just like McDonald's too much 1596
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    @Monoiru4 years ago I feel like JYP isn’t pressuring them to eat bad, just healthy. Also I feel like they are allowed to choose their own diets 250
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    @RiRi-ku6xz4 years ago I still don't understand how they can live on salads 2155
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    @lifeisntdaijoubu91694 years ago but eating the same thing over and over again makes me sick, that's why i change the kinds of food i eat (except for breakfast, i eat boiled eggs most of the time) 985
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    @luv4risa4444 years ago tips to lose weight easily:
    1) drink a LOT of water throughout the day. It's rlly good for your body and skin and helps u to not want to snack in between meals.
    2) have smaller meal portions. Even if you eat healthy, it will not be super effective if you still eat a lot so try and eat smaller portions.
    3) when you're eating chew slowly (a lot of idols do this) it helps u get full faster and eat less.
    4) stop eating at a certain time. for example at 6pm or 8pm or after dinner, don't eat anything after that.
    5) make sure u work out! u can't expect to have a snatched waist unless u work out.
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    @bobcalvito4 years ago I’m always sooooo shocked to see that labels will put so much money into the idols and trainees but can’t even put them on a good diet plan made by a professional trainer or dietician. Everyone believe me you could eat to satisfaction and still be in a caloric deficit (which = weight loss) and it could be the same for all of these poor idols that don’t need to starve themselves and only drink water to be this thin.... also a huge pet peeve is when ignorant label reps will weigh these girls and say you need to lose 5kg by next week or you’ll be cut. Like that makes no fucking sense and they won’t be able to keep the weight off because to lose that fast you literally have to only drink liquids... I was on a liquid diet for 2 weeks due to a surgery and I lost 10kgs but as soon as I was off of it I started gaining again because it’s NOT sustainable at all. And let me tell you those were some of the most miserable days of my life I literally wanted to cry almost every night. So to think that these idols are forced to do this when they absolutely do not have to and will only end up gaining it back breaks my heart. To ANYONE out there don’t follow these stupid diets just start by cutting off the things you know are junk food especially drinks and stay away from sugar. Also it doesn’t matter how much you exercise without a good diet you won’t get anywhere. Good luck! ... 714
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    @kpopscenario14064 years ago Every time I go on a diet, my mother suddenly becomes a 5 star chef 15
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    @Neekachu114 years ago Be careful about following kpop diets- they are very limited in terms of calorie intake (granted, ITZY's seems to be the healthiest one I've seen so far). And a lot of kpop idols have already admitted to not following them- Lia and Chaeryeon have said they would sneak out to buy extra non-diet food and lots of ex-kpop trainees admit that everyone used to eat more in secret. So take these diets with a pinch of salt! ... 204
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    @ImenYamada064 years ago They have a different lifestyle than us so I think you should switch the lunch and dinner menus. they work during the night (concert, practice etc) so they need more energy but us don't need that much energy for dinner since we're going to sleep. having just lettuce for lunch isn't enough at all... better eat that for dinner and eat the eggs during lunch ... 33
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    @lanwei43594 years ago I'm just wondering why would anyone just assume these so-called "diet" based on a few Instagram posts. Like just because a bowl of salad appeared in that post so that must be the only thing they eat during that meal?? ... 61
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    @shilpitadas13894 years ago I can't imagine to be a trainee for this very reason 38
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    @CosimasNiehaus4 years ago "You're not starving yourself at all" actually, you're not even hitting 1000 calories, and you're missing out on key nutrients, this is starvation. 573
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    @lemangunes26514 years ago And they are doing so much practice that’s why Their bodys looks fit 10
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    @rominaescudero33724 years ago For those who are planning to lose some fat or are like 10Kg more of their ideal weight and are planning to do this starvation diet you sure are going to see changes on the balance. You are gonna burn muscle and be loaded of lot of fat which is unhealthy and sometimes it leaves ugly loose skin. You are not gonna look like you dream on.
    We don’t see loose skin on these girls when they do fast and miracle diets since they are already slim (but still concider themselves fats 🤨) so it’s different for them.
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    @kimedits224 years ago The calorie intake is too low. This diet is not healthy at all. Your conclusion could lead others to try that diet thinking it‘s healthy. 😐 384
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    @aleenamae41944 years ago Woah their diet is the healthiest Kpop diet I’ve seen so far! Glad they’re not restricting themselves too much 3
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    @makayla69564 years ago I think if they add some more protein and grains, this would be a good diet 22
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    @brunodiaz68834 years ago My god, that diet is missing a lot of nutrients. At least you guys should add more protein and fruit in this if you’re doing it. 😞🙏🏻
    Edit: specially if you’re going to school or working out. (Yes, thinking does consume a lot of your body’s energy).
    Throw in some chicken breast, it has almost any fat. Maybe some avocado too so you get healthy oils from it. Fruit will provide more energy to your body too. 😞
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    @owlsama5674 years ago "interesting" kpop diets :)
    You really think that they are consulting with nutricionist?
    Lunch: Lettuce Salad :) totally unhealthy if you eat only that for lunch every day.
    That is not balanced meal.
    They exercise and do dance practice constantly, basicaly they can eat totaly different food.
    It should be balanced.
    If you have less KG, doesn't mean you lost fat in a healthy way. Girls who go to the gym has more kg, maybe more than before. Why? Because they've built muscles :)
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    @gabylin074 years ago I’l try it 👌🏻 thankyouu for making this video 💖
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    @shanif66754 years ago You’re so underrated :( I love this video 15
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    @user-vm2ep5mt8e4 years ago ... anyone that knows a little about food knows that this is NOT healthy. 34
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    @uttdojao55684 years ago eu como meia maçã de manhã, de meio dia carne um pouco de arroz e salada, de noite 2 ovos e um sanduíche natural (só que o pão não é) estou indo bem ?????
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    @yawaka4004 years ago I do well in excercise but i literally cannot do diets at all :((
    It just stresses me out to feel that i still feel hungry after eating
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    @uttdojao55684 years ago se alguém quiser me dar mais uma dica ou se eu posso substituir por algo me fale pfv! !!
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    @user-hy4ll1wu3d4 years ago I don’t know if I’m healthy or not. Today is vacation but I only eat like 2-3 a day. No snacks. And those times that I eat, it really isn’t heavy. I just eat eggs with cheese. That’s all. It fills me up. I drink a hella lot of water and I’m starting to think that I’m weird. I just don’t like eating, I guess? ... 7
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    @noee64214 years ago okay but lettuce with strawberry and cheese mmm personal taste 7
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    @bingbong86144 years ago Their diets are definitely better then others. Its good to know they aren’t starving themselves. Go JYP! 1
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    @user-jr7vu8ux4y4 years ago I’m happy that Itzy are not too stressed about their weight or dieting. Some idols get so stressed that they starve themselves. I’m happy if Itzy is happy
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    @lovenala19874 years ago Now that's a diet I would like to try for some time! With a little variations though but nonetheless, it ain't that bad!
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    @ondaprint2534 years ago Maybe try to find out everglows diet! They have said that they found out that being healthy is better than being on diets al the time! 4
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    @alphachan40064 years ago To all you guys saying this starvation I don’t think this is what the girls actully eat because when I look photos they seem to have more then she’s giving herself and I sometimes myself only eat like 900 calories for a couple day just cause I don’t feel like eating much it’s not that bad ... 1
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    @tal22904 years ago In my opinion the best diet is to eat in small amounts. Eating only vegetables and eggs can accelerate weight loss, but is not necessarily the healthiest diet. You should also meat and fruit. Meat has iron and protein which is very important for your body strength and fruits have natural sugar which helps the blood flow in your body. Interesting fact - when you eat your body gets energy. Which gives a boost to your diet. For example, I lost 25 pounds in six months, when I started eating in small quantities, but I did allow myself to enjoy delicious foods that were not necessarily low in calories, and instead of eating three meals a day, I ate five. There is a calorie index that your body must reach in a day. And that is what will help you to achieve a balanced, safe and effective weight loss. ... 1
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    @rina92104 years ago good video!! you should credit the "another youtuber" though:)
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    @wizone39.314 years ago this is such a good one , im doing this
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    @lee_misa4 years ago i eating like that for 4 days and I have already lose 1.5 kg is good to exercise 30 min in day
    I suggest it or early in morning or in night />in morning it will help you to wake up in night it will make you feel relax
    if you need any help just comment
    ... 22
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    @racquelcaboverde57314 years ago ITZ DIFFERENT
    me: repeats it again and again
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    @user-ce1xe6zk6m4 years ago the most healthy diet id seen on kpop industry so far,,, thankful that the girls arent really starving their selves just to get the weight they need, i probably gonna try this too
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    @charlotteinthebuilding49493 years ago I actually think I may go on this diet as I have been gaining some unwanted weight. Thanks for the suggestion!
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    @irenesmith23744 years ago How are they able to sustain on 90% salad diet given that they do a lot of physical activities(way more than us commoners)? I cant even exercise after eating only salad coz my stomach starts aching. I always take salad with some portion of protein, carbs and fats. I am sure they do eat full meals and all otherwise i feel its very difficult to stay energized. ...
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    @temsg48294 years ago Gonna try this when lockdown is over and I can go out and get fresh stuff😁👍😆💞
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    @sharveena85244 years ago This is actually a pretty good diet tbh im trying it when im not a kid and when i get a life ;w; 4
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    @BANGTANS4 years ago I don't have any problem with vegetables and I really love salad, so I think I can try this diet with fun!! (Salad is my fav menu all the time lmao) 2
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    @pianobymadinahhh26144 years ago Here’s a nice healthy diet for you guys that I’m doing
    Do any workout that would help you lose weigh. Ex: if you gain weight on thighs then run or anything with cardio
    For eating make healthier choices eat chicken with salads or just be creative with your cooking. Doesn’t have to be chicken just something with protein. Don’t eat a lot of carbs and don’t snack on junk food a lot.
    For a snack have some homemade popcorn, almonds, fruits, or vegetables.
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    @margaux9514 years ago True that diet is awesome that's almost the same stuff I eat on a daily basis and true you never gain weight (except for the berry jam mine is a tiny bit of peanut butter)❤
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    @rose-marielundholm35974 years ago I see you don't like a runny eggyolk, me to sis. 14
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    @alviravahora81454 years ago I have to be honest this is a really good diet, I’ve seen MUCH worse within the Kpop industry and this is for before promotions which isn’t that long especially with their lives, it can be really quick with their hectic lives. Plus isn’t probably not strictly that and if it is not for a long time. They get what they need and eat very healthy. We all have extremely unhealthy habits and this can be troublesome for our daily lives but not theirs. It just a more extreme healthy diet but not life threatening or anything. ...
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    @christiansalagubang44934 years ago Jyp's ent Is Really the entertainment who has the one of healthiest artist everr
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    @joline33324 years ago I'm sorry but how can you eat lettuce with strawberries !? 16
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    @meooorw88014 years ago I won't be able to follow this diet since we're all quarantined and me and my family are used to eating with rice.
    so I'll just try to eat less rice.
    but for snacks we don't have any so imma starve idk what else to do
    i just want to lose weight
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    @lixxeth-4 years ago please don't leave this video thinking this is a healthy, sustainable way of maintaining//losing weight. this diet lacks largely in important nutrients your body needs and the caloric intake would not be enough to keep you truly energized and fueled throughout the day. the girls probably ensure they take plenty of regular vitamins and minerals (the ones you can buy at the store) when they go on this diet, and even when they do, it probably is not for very long. i know people are aware that, comparatively, this diet is better within the kpop realm but if you truly want to lose/maintain a healthy way please ensure you are taking care of yourself first and foremost (eating plenty of fruits and veggies, ensuring a healthy balance of macronutrients, and overall fueling your body to be the best version of yourself). much love to anyone who has or is struggling with losing weight. it is a journey and i know it took me some time before i implemented a happy and healthy way to lose and keep the weight off :) cheering you on from the sidelines! ...
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    @taro40574 years ago even the "best" kpop diet is still unhealthy. Imagine IU's or seulgi's diet omg pls eat well guys 10
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    @rustybookshelf85664 years ago The breakfast is what I eat normally . Lunch I have pasta and dinner cereal lmao . Maybe cause I'm a student , I eat less . On the weekends I wake up late so I don't normally feel the need to eat
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    @nicole-su8dl4 years ago i’m starting the iu diet today, i’ll probably do this after! i’m 55kg and want to be 45 1
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    @kuroxo15094 years ago If u find boring to eat the same things over and over again, try changing the salads: type of lettuce (iceberg is not the best for salads), protein(tofu, chicken,..), addings nuts or fruits, changing cheese with avocadoes, make different types of dressings:) eggs too u can alternate with boiled, fry egg whites for omelettes, etc ...
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    @genieispunk4 years ago itzy diet plan is the healthiest kpop diet I've seen
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    @kailingcharlotteng29044 years ago How do you cook the corn and sweet potato?
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    @bkzl4 years ago I don't eat eggs and i was so excited to try this
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    @clyn21184 years ago I don’t know why, but I tried to do my own diet. Lmao, so the only thing I did was workout and have two meals a day and those two meal are usually just my lunch (im a heavy sleeper)and then i’ll just snack through out the rest of the day but the snacks should only be light and I drink a lot of water and I don’t eat after 6pm. ...
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    @cyn42014 years ago this is one of the better diets in the kpop industry. apart from snacks, the girls have also mentioned to eat (yeji in a recent? interview) high carbs food like pizza once in a while but they do exercise right after to not gain a lot of fat. ...
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    @yeetyuritheapple54874 years ago Omg I think this is the healthiest so far 2
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    @iloveuryuishida99194 years ago I love salads so this is heaven for me
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    @kayleetovilla86244 years ago honestly if you’re planning to lose weight, i suggest making your own healthy diet plan. this diet doesn’t give you all the nutrients you need and the caloric intake is too low. this also goes for almost all kpop diets as well. they only do them for a limited time due to comebacks and such but they normally gain some weight back after promotions. ...
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    @rachaelyoung64564 years ago This is actually okay although I'd say if you're working out too, up the protein or add a shake ontop!
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    @JiaYoung4 years ago This video is actually dangerous to impressionable minds. This diet is starvation. You should take this down or re-edit this without the stamp of approval and encouragement. You’re putting people at risk. 234
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    @micasmallcrystal82893 years ago the bt21 socks lmao where did you buy i want the same !
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    @mokoaluna30974 years ago In my country everybody cooks sweet corn since....forever =]]]] I'm gonna try this because is so similar to my eating habits
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    @KNorii-un2qk4 years ago If my parents would allow me to do this. Salad is lifeeeee uwu 1
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    @angellovex58604 years ago I'm a vegetarian and I love bow this allows me to stay a vegetarian (I want to follow the diet) 2
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    @sunshine-qw5md4 years ago I love sweet potatoes, I could literally survive off of them 5
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    @kristia33004 years ago Just like my diet...
    My breakfast is basically 2 boiled eggs
    My Lunch is Salad <br />My Dinner is sweet potato and 2 eggs...
    And I run a mile too every morning. But since virus is just around the area I just workout at home. And sometimes if I don't feel like working out I just dance to different kinds of songs.
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    @valeriadaloia18744 years ago How delicious! I really wanna try this kind of diet because i love all those foods, but my mother doesnt allow me sndndjfkkd SAD
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    @theprettiestgirll4 years ago When I move, I’ll do this diet, I physically cannot do it with my moms cooking— 1
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    @nataliaovando38354 years ago Ryuyin cumple este año 20 al igual que chaeyong , lia y yeyi cumplen 19 y yuna 17 , por lo que son muy jovenes aun y es mas facil baja de peso , por eso tienen dietas saludables
    Lo que se me hace increible es que no lo hacen igualitario como con twice que le hicieron perder a momo 7 kilos en poco tiempo y a jihyo le tomo casi 3 años bara estar en su peso ideal por que li hizo sanamente
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    @bwiseok91654 years ago i was born in 2003 and close to itzy's age and DAMN i am eating our whole ref ksjsksjsjsjjsjdjsjjsjs 5
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    @le96g4 years ago This is definetly not a "best diet". Please, people watching this, don't do it! 22
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    @khyatishah59004 years ago Is there any ARMY(BTS fan) watching this?? Then observe her socks 11
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    @naemisushi4 years ago im 13 years old and im 154lbs. if i were to try this diet for 2 weeks would i gain the weight back?
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    @kalilaalalila4 years ago yup, thats why itzy have a healthy body 1
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    @melon_ely4 years ago I think if you left out the ham in the scrambled eggs and the cheese in the salad you could have lost even more weight :)
    Defenitly gonna try it out
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    @deepakraj53524 years ago Me:I rather die than going on diet
    My body:don't worry you're half there
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    @MrBubblygoodness4 years ago I believe they Chaeryeong said in a fan event that only her and Lia diets in Itzy to lose weight. I'm sure the other girls eat healthy too, but mainly to maintain their weight and not for the purpose of losing weight.
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    @ayatahmed32264 years ago For the people who are calling this crazy and unhealthy
    You probably never heard of jimin diet
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    @Taekooklife-ez9fl4 years ago Breakfast:
    An egg with toast
    Salad with boiled eggs and potatoes
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    @junkyomi94404 years ago the voice: it’s different, it’s icy, it’s itzy
    literally nobody:
    the subtitles: it’s different, it’s icy, it’s itching
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    @travelvintage13114 years ago Actually it’s not a bad diet compare to other kpop diets i also think that because this are healthier options they can have seconds ITS NOT BAD I do hope there taking supplements that will really help them aswell. I think JYP has a really nutrition system in which his providing his singers with much healthier food options ...
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    @Melliona4 years ago Jeah that's actually something you can credit JYP for, they really want they idols to eat healthy instead of starving them
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    @oohmyjooy4 years ago It's more than ok for their small bodies. Y'all act as if they were starving, they just don't have the same way of eating as you. Eating a big serving of Lasagna for lunch isn't more healthy just because it has more calories. A salad can be very nurishing, you can put whatever you want in it, a salad isn't just lettuce some of you need to explore more food than fat food tbh and JYP has a very famous organic cafeteria so don't worry about their options. ... 9